Shirin McArthur

Dear Siblings in Christ,

On Christmas day, I posted a series of questions for reflection on my blog. As you hopefully continue to live into Christmastide (and begin a new year!), I invite you to ponder these questions as well.

In a time when neighborhood decorations presume light and joy, what does Christmastide mean for you?

In a time when bombs fall freely in Gaza and Ukraine, what does Christmastide mean for you?

In a time when refugees roam across the globe, seeking shelter and belonging, what does Christmastide mean for you?

In a time when glaciers are calving and receding, what does the quintessential Eurocentric snowy Christmastide say to you?

In a time of global warming, what does a desert-dry Middle Eastern Christmastide say to you?

In a time of great division among communities and societies in the US and abroad, what does the Prince of Peace say to you?

In a time of great uncertainty about the future direction of America, what does it mean that Jesus was born into Roman-occupied Palestine?

In a time when society tells us to eat, drink, and be merry, what do you prefer or need to grieve?

In a time when children wait with great impatience for the chance to unwrap presents, what gifts are you still awaiting?

In a time of gift-giving, what present would you like to give the world?

In what ways has Christmas seemed like the same old thing all over again?

In what ways might Christmastide become fresh and new for you?

In what ways can you invite Christ into this season that will feel authentic and real for you, in this time of both turmoil and treasure, grace and grief, when Jesus has already come and yet we await the fulness of his peace?



A version of this message first appeared on my blog on December 25, 2023.