Chotard Doll

Dear friends in Christ,

One of the principles of the Benedictine Rule is to welcome all persons as the Christ. Reportedly, at one monastery which was popular with visitors, the monks were frequently called from their daily labors (another Benedictine rule) to greet and welcome those who came to their door. After one especially busy weekend, the Abbott finally had time to sit down at his desk and begin to catch up. But then, catching sight of an approaching visitor, he exclaimed, “Oh, Jesus Christ, is it You again?”

Seeing and serving Christ in all persons is one of our Baptismal vows, and one of the most challenging to fulfill. Today the first letter of John (3:14) reminds us “We know that we have passed from death to life because we love one another. Whoever does not love abides in death.” And in Matthew’s gospel (10:14) Jesus says, “Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.”

These are the lessons chosen as we remember St Alban, the first Christian Martyr in Britain, executed in 204 AD. Although not a Christian, Alban met a priest fleeing in a time of extreme persecution. He received him, and hid him in his own household. As a result of the friendship he became converted to Christianity, and when soldiers arrived at the door to arrest the priest, he himself donned the priestly robes and gave himself up to arrest and death.

So, I pray that I may consider each person I encounter as a Christ-bearer, perhaps with a message I need to hear, a message which teaches me more of what love is all about. And I know that in the long run, I am the one who is gifted by my welcoming response.

