Mtr Mary Trainor

Now don't … judge me by what you'd like me be for my life hasn't been a success  …*

Dear friend,

Money. Whether you have a lot of it, or not enough to live on, money remains essential. It can buy us power, or simply our next meal.

And money is a partner with us in one of the most complicated relationships we’ll ever have: Money, me, and God,

Some people have power but still they grieve, while these hands brought me happiness.

In the Daily Office Gospel for today from Matthew the subject of money is used by people trying to trick Jesus into saying the wrong thing: “Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?” they ask. He sidesteps the trap they thought to be foolproof. “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

Now I'm tired and I'm old and I haven't much gold. Maybe things ain't been all that I planned  …

I’ve never been rich. No one in my family is rich. Most of us are in the 99 percent of people who also are not wealthy. Yet I don’t believe that exempts me from working as hard as I can to improve the lives of others from whatever resources may accrue to me.

While I don’t believe in “works righteousness” to save me, I also don’t believe I can buy my way into heaven either. So I must use what is at hand. And if work is all I have to give, then I must trust that it is good with God.

Lord above hear my plea when it's time to judge me, take a look at these hard working hands.

Mtr Mary

These Hands. Songwriter, Don Robey. Popularized by Johnny Cash.

Listen here.