Mtr Taylor Devine

Dear Friends,

How are your Advent practices going? No pressure, no shame, and it’s not too late to start!

This season holds so much—joy but always mingled with the reality of our day to day that can at times be joyless or tragic. I love the way that Advent and Christmas invite religious conversation into public in a unique way. It’s a Biblical story that many are familiar with, it’s family traditions from all over the world, and it hits at a time of year where the days are too short and there always seems to be bad news mixed with the cheer and promise of the season.

It holds a lot—especially the promise that Jesus can hold it all. That real crying baby entered the real world for the sake of its redemption. If it helps your prayers to focus on a short phrase from an Advent calendar, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light,” or to listen to Advent music, or to move some small wise men figurines around your room, join these small practices that support you living in this season with all its texture, story, and hope.

In Christ,

—Mtr Taylor