Mtr Mary Trainor

At the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light  …*

Dear friend,

There’s a lot going on at the cross the day Jesus dies.

If we combined the several gospel narratives that cover the three hours it takes Jesus to die, I reckon we could scarcely take it all in

Today’s Daily Office reading from Mark takes us back again to the cross, and we read his limited perspective on what happens.


I’m of two minds when it comes to drones, those pesky remote-controlled flying devices that annoy many people.

On one hand, I abhor their use in spying on people, depriving them of their right to privacy. Or in being a hazard to birds and aircraft.

On the other hand, I would love to have one, not to snoop, but rather to explore areas I can’t otherwise see—wildlife in their habitats; special stage views at a concert, helping people looking for lost people or pets. And so on and so forth.


Just imagine if we had the chance at a drone’s-eye view of events unfolding at the cross.

We’d see the divvying up of Jesus’ clothing, the many women followers who were there, Jesus still ministering to the needs of others. To his mother and the beloved disciple: This is your son, this is your mother.

We see the other two men being crucified that day. One who mocks Jesus; one who asks for help, To that thief, Jesus says, “Today you will be with me in paradise.”

Then we see a Roman centurion standing guard, so moved by Jesus’ words and the ripping of the Temple curtain that he proclaims Jesus as the son of God.


Yes. A lot going on. Perhaps there was even more. If only there had been a drone.

Mtr Mary

*At The Cross. Lyrics, Isaac Watts, 1674-1748; Chorus, Ralph E. Hudson, 1843-1901