John Koza

Dear Siblings in Christ,

“The knowledge I do not yet possess…”

In todays’ readings, I was struck by the following line from the book of Hebrews: “…let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross….”  (Hebrews 12: 1-2) This scripture encourages me to keep reading/studying/following Jesus and it will be a help and comfort in all situations. Jesus possessed the knowledge that there would be great joy, eternal joy, after his crucifixion and therefore he could endure the cross. (The knowledge I do not yet possess….)

As I write this, I am dealing with a pocket gopher burrowing in my backyard. In three days it has dug eleven holes up to the surface. I have read that pocket gophers will burrows tunnels from 90 to 200 feet in length! My frustration is that we landscaped last year and have spent a fair amount of money and a great deal of time choosing and planting cactus and other native plants. Of course, I have imagined the worst, like the gopher turning my plants into his personal buffet and having to purchase replacements, re-plant, etc. Ugh!!!  

Yesterday I learned that spraying the holes with 30% vinegar is a successful deterrent. In the last 24 hours, I have sprayed three different holes and they keep appearing nearer and nearer to the wall at the back of our property.  Can I get it to burrow under the wall and keep going? That is now my intention.

What I learned from this is that my frustration early-on was due to my lack of knowledge to even begin a course of action. Once I possessed that knowledge the frustration practically vanished. I made note that I should remember this with any future frustrations: I currently am lacking some knowledge that once I have gained will alleviate my frustration. (The knowledge I do not yet possess….)

May the Holy Spirit provide us with the knowledge we do not yet possess to deepen our walk in Christ, the perfecter of our faith.

In Christ,
