Sherry Sterling

Dear friends,

Today’s readings have me thinking about what I am resting into for support. What and who do I trust? Look to? Lean on?

At a training in which I recently assisted, we were reviewing the physical movements that provide a foundation to interact with the world and one another: Yield, Push, Reach, Grasp, Pull. These movements build on each other.

To see the progression, picture a baby’s development: at first Yielding into arms of a caregiver, eventually Pushing their chest up to get a look around, then noticing something they want to Reach for, wrapping their tiny fingers around it to Grasp, and Pulling it toward themselves.

If any of these developmental movements are stymied, those that follow are more difficult. For example, imagine trying to Pull something toward you if you haven’t Grasped it first, or Reaching for something that you haven’t yet Pushed yourself to see.

Of these five foundational movements, the Yield caught my attention. I can have a posture of rest, but not really let go of the tension in my body to be supported. I catch myself not really sinking into my bed at night, still tense from holding myself up all day, or still working over the day in my thoughts.

I watch myself do this in relationship, too, not leaning into those who are ready to offer care and support, not wanting to be a burden. I practice self-reliance, then forget to lean into God.

In the New Testament reading for today, Jesus asks Philip, “Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?” And in the reading from Hebrews, referencing Moses’ life journey, the phrase “By faith” is repeated seven times! Today’s Old Testament reading of Moses encountering the burning bush reminds us of God’s promise, “I will be with you.”

Reflecting on these readings, I wonder, am I able to Yield into God’s promises? What do I really have faith in? Am I able to trust in the One who offers himself in love?

In this new year, I hope to Yield more into the wider, wiser support of God’s presence.

Peace and love,
