Dcn Anne Strong

Sisters and Brothers,

Whew! Lent is over. My experience during these past forty days has paralleled the encounters in the life of Jesus: trials, hostility, abandonment, and betrayal.  More than once I have cried out, “No, not this cup”!

This is the place of powerlessness. I must let my ego die, with the hope of being “regrafted to the vine.” (John 15: 1 – 6)

At my low points, I was one step away from either enlightenment or despair.  This is when free will enters the picture. Without my faith, I was headed for despair, cynicism, negativity, and isolation. Prior to experiencing what transformation feels like (perhaps a loving human, animal or divine beauty; or God’s embrace holding me because I cannot hold myself) I would have never been capable of yet another new start … my resurrection.

I believe this is what Jesus reveals in Jesus’ final human journey. This is what was promised … a risen Christ. We are all headed for transformation: what the world fears, destroys, and crucifies. We will be lifted up!

“You will show me the path of life,
in your presence there is fullness of joy,
and in your right hand are
pleasures for evermore.”  Ps 16 

Your sister in Christ,

Dcn Anne Strong