Fr Robert Hendrickson

Dear Friends in Christ,

Holy Week is always a moving time – it distills the Christian journey into a concentrated, poignant, and evocative few days. I always feel as if I have cheated myself out of going deeper with Jesus when I miss parts of the week.

This year, after the last couple of pandemic, was even more moving to me. Not only because we are back to being able to mark them in person. But also because my older son was able to help out with them all week. He’s old enough now to really begin to participate, pray, ask questions, and more.

On Maundy Thursday, he distilled the day for me with a simple question, right at the end of the footwashing. He was serving as an acolyte. And as the last person finished up, he said “Can I get my feet washed now? I waited for everyone else to go first so I could help them if they needed it.”

It was such a simple distillation of the day – patiently waiting, watching to see if anyone needs help, and being eager to take part in the day. Kids are far more open to being changed by what they encounter in church than we ever give them credit for. Holy Week has reminded me of this again and again.

The other moment I loved was on Holy Saturday, with the youngest, as we did some preparation for the Easter Vigil. He was gathering up lilies. Then he looked up, trying to see where I was, and heard a noise at the back of the church. He burst off down to see who it was, with lilies in hand.

For a moment I had this glimpse of the company of Heaven — angels, saints, martyrs, and more — eagerly searching for me, with the signs of Resurrection in their hands, full of the joy of sharing them. It was a glimpse of deepest Easter joy.

I have a sermon ready for today, so I will not keep you overlong here, but I wish you moments like this in your own faith journey this Easter. I pray that you get deep glimpses of the God who eagerly searches for you and the Lord who came among us to serve that we might be servants too.

(I included two of my favorite shots of the week below)

Yours in Easter Joy,

Fr Robert