Mtr Taylor Devine

Dear Friend,

This week I have been teasing out some of the heart work of this season- trying to hold the tension of the sorrows of our lives right now takes some practice, and some strengthening. The word I keep coming back to is beholden. We are beholden to one another, to our neighbor, to those in our lives and beyond. In that way we are also given, given to serve God and God's people.

This lovely green page has stood out to me in these pondering: May I grow in wisdom and in love and in favor with God and those I am given to.

This is one of the final prayers in a lovely book of visual and poetic prayers called Prayer: Forty Days of Practice. That is my prayer this week-may I grow in wisdom and in love and in favor-in the ways God calls me to, and in the ways those to whom I am beholden need.

I appreciate that each of the prayers in this book start with "May I." We can pray audaciously when we are seeking to blessing of God almighty, and trust in God's power to turn our desire, our "May I" into growth in wisdom, and love, and favor. I pray this day that you are blessed in the growing of this season.

In Christ,
Mtr Taylor

*Prayer: Forty Days of Practice is by Justin McRoberts and Scott Erickson