Justin Appel

Dear Friends,

Today’s Gospel lesson from Matthew recounts the story of John’s beheading by Herod.

Read Matthew 14:1-12 here.

Icon of the Beheading of John the Baptist.

In the liturgical calendar, the Beheading of John the Baptist is observed each year on August 29. It is often kept as a strict day of fasting, since Christians remember this as a calamitous event, in which a Saint, who served as the witness to Christ’s approaching ministry, was destroyed by those to whom he testified. John is remembered as a preacher of preparation, calling his hearers to bear fruits in keeping with repentance. Herod ultimately ignored this warning and silenced the messenger, allowing John to be executed on a foolish whim.

As we read this passage today, we can recall John’s prophetic work, which took him to the wilderness, to Jesus’ baptism, to prison, and eventually to martyrdom. John spoke the truth without flinching, but he also lived in obedience to the truth he proclaimed.

John’s witness calls us also to bear fruits in keeping with repentance, and shows that a life of prophetic work and discipleship may look strikingly different from the status quo. His example also demonstrates that serving Jesus can cost everything.

Yours in Christ,