Mtr Kelli Joyce

Dear friends in Christ,

The story of Jesus going to preach in Nazareth and being unable to work wonders there because of their disbelief in him is a striking one. And the problem they have is a problem we have - what we think we’re already certain about can so quickly close our minds to other possibilities. Jesus is trying to teach his community, and to heal them, and instead of being delighted, they’re *offended*. They say “we know who you are.” But they don’t.

We don’t understand half as much as we think we do. Today’s reading is a call to humility, and a call to hold our opinions and beliefs a little more loosely than we might want to, so that we stay open to God’s wonderful truth, even when it contradicts what seems to make sense to us.

In the chaos of our present world, there are a great many places where our preconceived notions might easily keep us from seeing where God is at work, doing a new and powerful thing. Let’s not take offense at the unconventional ways God chooses to come to us.

In peace,
Mtr Kelli