Mtr Mary Trainor

Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so…*

Dear friend,

It’s a child’s song of faith, sung to a lilting tune, and known by--I would say--a majority of Christians, regardless of denomination. It is plain in language and message, easily grasped by almost all.

While Jesus loves me is not in “The Hymnal 1982,” it is carried in “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” an authorized supplement. Its message underscores the role of scripture to our beliefs. It highlights the relationship we have in Jesus.

Today the church recognizes Clement of Alexandria, a priest who was a significant voice in early Christian arguments. His story is available in “Holy Women, Holy Men,” a compilation of biographical material on the saints we recognize.

The Gospel selected in Clement’s honor is John 6:57-63. Jesus has been teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum about eating his flesh and drinking his blood. Even his own disciples are having a tough time with his word choices: “This teaching is difficult; who can accept it?”

The Christian Church, in its various forms, continues to struggle with this teaching. Jesus responds: “The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” When we receive him in communion, in that holy mystery we become as close to Jesus as a family member, with the same blood running through our veins.

Little ones to him belong, they are weak, but he is strong...

While the world worried that the year 2000 would bring a crash to all computers, I took a job at the headquarters of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, as managing editor of its news products. Other things of interest were occurring then also, including a Bishop’s election, and the consecration of a Bishop Coadjutor, both big news events. The news staff was kept busy and, for a time, there were two Bishops of diocesan rank in the building, one with a job description, and one, waiting to have a job description.

The Coadjutor, J. Jon Bruno, spent the transition months wandering the halls of Cathedral Center, getting acquainted with the staff, and learning programs. From my office I could often hear the words of this child’s song--Jesus loves me, this I know--coming at full volume as this massive former Denver Bronco, former LAPD officer, made his rounds in the building.

I thought it was sweet and charming at the time. I still do, but I now recognize that it is more: the plain theological truth, the bare bones of belief, all that is necessary to salvation. 

Clement lived in the high days of Gnosticism, a collection of groups that essentially said salvation from the world comes through only certain people gifted with special knowledge.

Clement argued, to our benefit today, that the “special” knowledge is already available to all in the scriptures, perhaps most importantly, the knowledge that Jesus’ love beckons all.

Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The bible tells me so.

Mtr Mary
*Jesus loves me, “Lift Every Voice and Sing II,” Number 218. Lyrics: Ann B. Warner