Fr Robert Hendrickson

Dear Friends in Christ,

Advent is a season of anticipation – even joyful anticipation.  Yet that anticipation is not of a random event – it is the anticipation of the coming of Christ among us.  We hear, throughout Advent, that we are to be prepared – to not allow our lamps to run out of oil. 

We hear, “Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour.” We hear, “His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and will gather his wheat into the granary; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire” and that we must “Bear fruit worthy of repentance.” In Advent III we will hear, “See, the Judge is standing at the doors!

The message is fairly consistent, Advent is a time of self-examination for the Christ who comes does not simply come as a helpless babe – he comes to make new our hearts within us

Yet for that new creation to take root in our lives, we must do a little careful preparation.  This is the heart of repentance.  Advent, as a penitential season, is one of careful reflection and making room for the Living One to find a place to dwell within us

The reality that we sin inhibits our ability to truly welcome the Christ who comes in the most unexpected ways.  Penitence in Advent is not about lamenting and bewailing – it is about creating.  It is the re-creation of space for Christ’s birth to find a dwelling place within us — a place to lay his head in our souls.

Just as Mary’s yes to Christ made Divinity known in humanity – we are being called to say yes in ways that will enable those all around us to see Christ made Present in our very life and love. Let’s use this time to reflect on how we will more deeply, more fully, and more truly welcome Christ into our hearts and lives this Advent as we prepare for the joy of Christmas.

Yours in Christ,
