Mtr Mary Trainor

I am the bread of life…*

Dear friend,

The other day I saw a Facebook post asking people about special dishes from their childhoods. Not necessarily anything fancy, or a foodie’s dream, but something a beloved family member offered that just made the day better. We may call it comfort food.

For me, it was my mother’s “macaroni and maters.” It amounts to small shell macaroni, canned stewed tomatoes, some butter, and salt and pepper. It was usually for lunch.

My brother and I would be out playing when our mother would call us to come and eat. As we bounded into the room, we caught a whiff of macaroni and maters. It couldn’t be better. Mother scooped a large ladle full of the piping hot pasta into our bowls, took her place at the head of the table, and asked one of us to pass the plate of bread.

Simple food, plain, energizing. A memory that to this day fuels my life with taste and satisfaction.

They who come to me shall not hunger

In today’s Office Gospel from John, we encounter a portion of the Bread of Life discourse. This teaching occurs in Capernaum and follows, among other signs, the feeding of thousands of people. Food, nourishment, strength, bread. It all goes together. And far beyond any nutritional needs, the bread that Jesus offers is life-giving bread.

And they who eat of this bread…

I know a number of you have “made” your Cursillo. I have, also. Anyone who isn’t aware, this is an Episcopal weekend that provides a spiritual immersion. It definitely reflects the best of the evangelical expression of church.

The weekend is filled with readings, teachings, food, and singing. Many find the weekend life-changing. Some find it so-so. Some are unmoved. I am in the first group.

“I am the bread of life…” was one of the songs we sang at Cursillo, and I shall always associate the weekend, the song, the words, with a turning, a deepening of my connection to God in Christ, and, eventually, my ability to recognize and respond to God's call on my life.

The weekend did not introduce me to Jesus, but rather it created space and time for me to explore the relationship. It did not light the fire of my faith, but rather fanned the flames of an already ignited faith. It did not of itself feed body or soul, but rather, set the table, invited me to enter and be seated, as the Bread of Life made his way to the head of the table.

Jesus. Bread of life. Comfort food. Ready, day or night, to strengthen your spirit.

They shall live forever.

Mtr Mary

*I am the bread of life, Hymnal 1982, Number 335