Justin Appel

Dear Friends,

Today is the feast of Saint Ephraim (sometimes Ephrem) the Syrian (306-373 AD), an important Syriac theologian and hymnographer. Like many other Christians, my introduction to St. Ephraim was through his words on repentance, some of which have been preserved as a Lenten prayer in the Orthodox tradition, known as the Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian. This beautifully self-reflective prayer is traditionally said with prostrations, and it encapsulates powerfully an Easter Christian ethos.

O Lord and Master of my life,
grant me not a spirit of sloth, despondency,
love of power, and and idle talk.
But give to me, your servant,
a spirit of sober-mindedness,
humility, patience, and love.
Yes, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults
and not to judge my brother or sister,
for you are blessed to the ages of ages. Amen.

Rather than say too much about St. Ephraim, or about the Syriac Orthodox tradition to which he belonged (he is sometimes referred to as St. Ephraim of Edessa), I thought I would post some video content I have found helpful. Something as unfamiliar as the Syriac tradition requires both immersion and guidance from those who can provide context.

I hope you find some of this material helpful, if you choose to dive into it.

Yours in Christ,

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