Mtr Kelli Joyce

Dear Friends In Christ,

When people are sick, Jesus heals them. When people are hungry, Jesus feeds them.

When he does these things, of course, it’s miraculous. He heals the sick with a mere touch. He feeds a great crowd with only a few loaves and fishes. When he does these things, he does them as God does them, because he is God.

But that doesn’t mean we aren’t called to do these things too. The life and ministry of Christ show us the nature of God’s will for humanity, and the nature of the Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus will return to bring to earth. And so, as followers of Christ, we are to pattern our own lives and the lives of our communities after the values that he showed us - values that are near to the heart of God.

Heal the sick, not because they deserve it or can pay for it, but because they need it. Feed the hungry, not because they deserve it or can pay for it, but because they need it. As Christ himself will go on to say in Matthew 25, when we care for the material needs of another, we are caring for Jesus himself. And it is those who care for him in this way that Jesus beckons into paradise, saying, “inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”

In peace,
Mtr Kelli