Bonnie Winn

EDITOR’S NOTE: A church community is created when people gather together for the love of God. At the same time, Saint Philip’s is composed of many people who represent different ages, life experiences, and world views.

The “In conversation…” series is one attempt to create possibilities for connection between the different people in our community. As varied as we all are, there are also similarities and mutual interests waiting to be discovered. And there is one thing we all share: a desire to know God and be in relationship with him.

This week’s conversation is with Bonnie Winn, a Saint Philip’s parishioner and volunteer.


How long have you been a part of Saint Philip’s?
Since 2004 when my husband and I arrived in Tucson as winter visitors from Winnetka, IL. We moved to Tucson full-time in 2011.

How would you describe Saint Philip’s to someone unfamiliar with the parish?
The first thing I would say is that there is a wonderful music program. The choir, the instrumentalists, the music—all enhance the liturgy enormously.

And that would lead me to say that Saint Philip’s combines being a forward-looking parish at the same time our worship services honor our traditional, Anglican roots. And the sermons are always good.

Also, because Saint Philip’s is interested in serving the wider community in Tucson, there are many things to be a part of. Just a few are the mobile food pantry, lay Eucharistic ministers, and Laundry Love. And then there are the opportunities within the parish….

Is there a particular ministry you would recommend that a newcomer consider?
Definitely. One of my first volunteer activities was to be an usher. It was something my husband and I could do together and it helped us meet a wide variety of people. We discovered common interests and connections and our social circle expanded without much effort. It was wonderful!

What are your volunteer activities at Saint Philip’s right now?
I sing in the choir, am one of the music librarians, serve as the Junior Warden, and am the Chair of the Stewardship Committee. Oh! And I've started working on my 4th UK Residency which in 2024 will combine the Choir Residency and Youth Pilgrimage at Lincoln Cathedral.

What inspires you to be so generous with your time and energy?
Saint Philip’s is my home. I’m surrounded by friends and very interesting people. My experience here has been that most everyone is open to friendship, new ideas, and new experiences. That’s what inspires me to do all that I can.

What’s a fun fact about you?
I don’t go to sleep until I’ve done the New York Times and Washington Post crossword puzzles.