Episcopal Church 101

Mosaic is a regular midweek gathering at Saint Philip's for fellowship, prayer, and study and a consistent opportunity to come and share the joy of life together and to lend one another hope in the pursuit of uplifting and challenging relationships, sustained in Christ's love.

Mosaic will resume this coming Wednesday, October 6 with "The Episcopal Church 101," a class for newcomers and longtime Episcopalians alike—anyone who seeks a deeper relationship with God and to learn about The Episcopal Church, The Book of Common Prayer, and Christian spirituality and discipleship. 

Over the course of 11 sessions, we will delve into the wonderful book titled "Sacramental Life: Spiritual Formation Through the Book of Common Prayer," written by David deSilva, Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Greek at Ashland Theological Seminary in Ashland, Ohio. Mosaic facilitators include Mtr Taylor Devine, Curate for Outreach; Fr Peter Helman, Parochial Vicar; and Luke Pearson, former Beloved in the Desert corps member and now Senior Services Coordinator with Interfaith Community Services.

We welcome you to join us online and in-person each Wednesday, subject to any new protocols related to COVID precautions. The church and Chapel of the Nativity will be open for Holy Communion at 5:30pm. From 6:00pm-7:00pm, Mosaic will continue in the East Gallery for fellowship and formation. Communion will stream to Saint Philip's website and Facebook page, and those unable to attend formation in-person are welcome to join via Zoom by registering here.

For more information and to register, please contact Fr. Peter Helman (peter.helman@stphilipstucson.org; 520-299-6421, ext. 13). Copies of the book are available at the church to purchase for $18.00.