No registration as of June 6

As we continue to discern best practices that ensure the safety of all who gather indoors each Sunday for worship, here are a few updates to keep in mind.

Throughout summer, the safety precautions outlined in Saint Philip’s Covenant of Care will remain in place.

Those who attend must closely read and abide by the Covenant (please see below). Our desire is to care for one another, and we are grateful for this shared commitment. Thank you! 

There is one important change to mention about Sunday logistics! 

To date, we have asked those who attend Sunday services to register either online or in-person. Beginning Sunday, June 6, we will no longer require registrations. Those who wish to attend are welcome simply to check-in upon arrival at the Great Doors. 

Per diocesan guidelines, though, we will still cap attendance at 125, so seating is limited. Arriving early will offer the best chance of finding available seats.

As a cautionary step, if someone later is diagnosed with COVID, a parish-wide email will be sent asking those who attended services to seek testing and/or medical attention.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when attending Sunday worship: 


When you arrive, Greeters will be stationed at the Great Doors to help you check-in and distribute single-use bulletins, extra masks, and bottled water. 


After checking in, Ushers will direct you into the church through the Great Doors to available seats. 

***Please note!  As we celebrate the ways life in community increasingly returns to normal, we continue to safeguard one another’s wellbeing by maintaining social distance.  As difficult as it is, we ask that no physical contact be made at any point before, during, and after services. We look forward to the day when we can once again greet one another with handshakes and hugs!  


As we’ve done since Easter, a basket will be available at the Great Doors before and after services for the collection of alms.  

Holy Communion will be offered in one kind (the consecrated Bread only), and Ushers will release the congregation pew by pew to come forward. Further details and instructions will be given as you check-in.   

At the conclusion of services, Ushers will direct you to exit the church through the Great Doors, pew by pew from the back of the church to the front. Please wait for the Ushers to release you, and please take your bulletins with you. 


We will continue to live-stream the 10:00am. service to both Saint Philip’s YouTube and website for those who may wish to attend worship online rather than in-person. Links may be found in this edition of Bell & Tower.  


To love and serve my neighbor at Saint Philip’s when attending this on-campus event, I will: 

  • Not attend if I know I have been in the presence of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 14 days.

  • Wear a face mask while on campus and during worship over both my mouth and nose.

  • Sit only in designated seats.

  • Adhere to social distancing, and no physical contact with another person outside my “bubble”.

  • Notify the church office immediately if any in my household are diagnosed with COVID-19. (Your privacy will be protected, but for contact tracing and to protect the health of others, we must notify others that someone in their service is infected).

  • Have you or someone in your household experienced any of the symptoms below in the last 14 days? If so, you must stay home and call your Healthcare Provider. Most common symptoms per the CDC:

  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Headaches

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Loss of taste or smell

  • Sore throat

  • Nausea

  • Diarrhea