From the Rector

Dear Friends,

A boxing coach of mine used to talk about how he wanted our opponents to feel like they were boxing jello. The idea was that jello absorbs things, moves in unexpected ways, and never quite does what you think it will!

I have to say, that’s a bit like the pandemic has felt — like boxing jello. As we make one set of protocols or the like, the situation changes and we have to adapt to what’s next as things never quite set. 

With that in mind we are reviewing, on an almost daily basis, the protocols and restrictions on space use that have been in place much of the last fourteen months. The first step, which you will read about, is making outdoor spaces available for reservation for groups. We are reviewing room use and other spaces as well and I expect that we will be adapting and adjusting in the weeks ahead. 

We very much appreciate your patience as we move toward a more normal life together — jello and all!

Fr Robert