Meet God at the Movies

Meet God at the Movies selected the movie Selma for its exploration at 6:30pm Monday, January 17, Martin Luther King Day.

The march from Selma to Montgomery marked a critical turn in the 1960s work for civil rights.

The Saint Philip’s movie discussion group gathers for a general exploration of the film itself, then to plumb it for theological content in the area of creation (what is the world of the story like); what is broken/where is sin; is there a moment of turnaround, repentance; and where is redemption or the reign of God visible.

All are welcome to join the discussions, but registration is required. You may register here.

Where to stream the movie? We did not find a “free” site, but Selma is available for a nominal rental fee at several sites. Check it out here.

More about the movie from Wikipedia here.