All Saints' Day & All Souls' Day

All Souls' Day

Each year on All Souls’ Day the Church commemorates the faithful departed. We remember them before God, offer prayers for them, and bid Christ to let light perpetual shine upon them.

Saint Philip’s will observe its annual All Souls’ requiem mass at 7:00pm on Wednesday, November 2, with music by Gabriel Fauré. This service is commended especially to those whose loved ones have died since November last year. You are invited to submit the names of all those for whom you wish the church to pray.

Click here to submit names by Sunday, October 30.

Prior to the requiem, all are welcome to gather in the Garden Columbarium at 5:45 p.m. to honor the memory of friends and loved ones who are interred there by washing their niche plaques - a tangible expression of love for our fellow parishioners who have gone before us in the faith.

The requiem will then begin with a reading of the parish necrology, with the solemn tolling ofthe Tower Bells. The assembly will have an opportunity to come forward, light candles for their loved ones, and place them upon the altar. We will conclude the service with a candlelitprocession to the Garden Columbarium for prayers at the ofrenda. A light reception in the Perry Garden will follow the service. All are welcome.

For more information, please contact Fr. Peter Helman, Parochial Vicar(


Requiem, Gabriel Faure (1845-1924)

The Requiem by Gabriel Fauré remains one of the most beloved settings of these words from Scripture appointed for All Souls' Day. The soaring melodies, and rich harmonic expression of late 19th-century France offer consolation and solace to the bereaved, with Fauré's inimitable melodic gifts rising to even greater heights of expression. The treble choristers of the Saint Nicholas Choir are joined by our lay clerks and volunteers in this moving liturgy.

Two of the most important observances of the Christian calendar are this coming week. 

The Feast of All Saints
On Monday, November 1, the Feast of All Saints celebrates the saints of the Church, known and unknown, past and present, through whose lives the light of the gospel shines.

From generation to generation, the people of God stand in unbroken fellowship. Alongside the popular saints, we rejoice in the witness of every single person throughout history who has come to Jesus in faith. We remember the saints of old, and we celebrate the saints we meet every day and everywhere—at our places of work, in line at the grocery store, in church, at school, in the hospital.

Join us at 12:15pm on Monday, November 1, in the Nativity Chapel and at 7:00pm in the church for the Solemnity of All Saints. Fr Scott Gunn, Executive Director of Forward Movement, will be the guest preacher.  

All Souls’ Day
The solemn observance of All Souls’ Day on Tuesday, November 2, commemorates all the faithful departed who have died in the peace of Christ and in the hope of the resurrection.

We remember before God our loved ones and friends, and we pray that with them—encouraged by their example, aided by their prayers, strengthened by their fellowship—we, too, may share in the inheritance of the saints in light. 

Join us at 12:15pm on Tuesday, November 2, for a spoken requiem mass in the Nativity Chapel, and at 7:00pm for a solemn requiem mass in the church.

The 7:00pm service will have music by Estonian composer Arvo Pärt performed by Saint Philip’s Chamber Ensemble (see related story) and Fr Scott Gunn will be the guest preacher. 

The 7:00pm service will begin with a reading of the All Souls’ requiem prayer list and conclude in the Garden Columbarium with prayers at the ofrenda. Please continue to drop off memento mori at the ofrenda (see related story), and to submit the names of those you would like to commemorate by calling the office or emailing Fr. Peter Helman (

The service will be live-streamed on Facebook, and will appear on the parish website, too, as liturgies that go live via Facebook automatically post to