Dcn Leah Sandwell-Weiss

Dear friends,

My journey back to the church began when I was a brand new Air Force Judge Advocate stationed at Yokota Air Base, Japan. Even though I lived on base, I needed to adapt to a new work environment and settle in with my husband after being separated by the service for many months. So I decided to try attending services at the chapel.

Over the course of the next three years, the chaplains and parishioners became friends. We worked together to form community where we supported each other in times of pain and of joy, something that I needed when I was so far from home. When I left Japan, I knew I would seek out a church to continue my faith journey.

My experience is not unique—military chaplains provide a safety net, a community, and ways to develop faith while far from home serving our country. Yet that pales in comparison to the jobs they do during war, often accompanying their units without weapons. We honor such a chaplain today.

The Rev’d Frederick Howden, Jr. was the son of a Missionary Bishop of New Mexico and Southwest Texas. He served parishes in Roswell and Lincoln County and served as chaplain in the New Mexico State Guard. He went to the Philippines in 1941, serving a unit of primarily Hispanic and Native American soldiers.

When the Philippines fell to the Japanese in 1942, he was among the thousands of American and Filipino POWs who were forced to march under brutal conditions from Bataan to a camp roughly 65 miles away. During the march and in the POW camps, Fr Howden was known for his kindness, support, and for giving his limited rations to those he believed needed them more. His heroism and faith were always apparent through the care he provided. He died on this date in 1942, from starvation and related diseases.

Almighty God, our sure defense: We give you thanks for your servant Frederick Howden, and all military chaplains who provided comfort and inspiration in time of battle; and, following the example of Jesus the Good Shepherd, laid down their lives in the service of others. Inspire and strengthen us, also, for the duties of life still before us, that we may be faithful to the end; through the same Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

—Dcn Leah