Dcn Anne Strong

Hello my Sisters and Brothers,

From my perspective, the parable of the good and bad fish clearly states that we are NOT meant to judge people! We are not to judge who is lost and who is saved. It does indicate that we will be judged and even mentions the fiery furnace.

I cannot fool God… my Beloved knows me inside and out. God knows I am learning how to use the redemptive love with which I have been blessed. I swing from kindness to selfishness. I cry out for mercy; at times I am angry and other times I am full of peace. My demanding ego competes with my generous soul.

Forgive me when I obsess over the speck in someone’s eye, ignoring the plank in my own.

So often it is easier to judge, ghost, or build walls. It is the way of the world, but it is NOT the way of the Kingdom.

I pray to take a breath before I react—to be reminded that every single person is carrying their own invisible burdens. They hunger for Grace.

To those who have not received the best of me: I will try to love better (and not be a stinky fish). I believe that in the end, we will be judged by love alone; our hearts will speak for us.

“If the great Lord is willing…. I will be filled with understanding, wisdom and love, for which I will give thanks.”  —Ecclesiastes 39

Faithfully and with Hope,

—Dcn Anne