Dcn Anne Strong

Hello Sisters and Brothers,

In the evening of life we will be judged by love alone.

Miroslav Volf is a Professor of Theology and director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture at Yale University. He teaches a popular class titled, “A life worth living: a guide to what matters most."

There must be a grand reason for God giving me breath and a soul. My intuitive self recognizes when my inner self is worthy.

Jesus warns us about gaining the whole world at the expense of losing everything that matters.

We are made to take risks for love. God took a huge risk: sending God’s son into our broken world knowing it would destroy him, and overturning the custom of Law over love. Mary said “yes.” Jesus gave his life.

When we love from the purest part of us, anything is possible!!

As disciples, the Gospel asks us to practice “inclusive love.” No outcasts.

The Book of Common Prayer says that failure to love in thought, word and deed is a sin; we have departed from God’s intent for us.

When choosing a spiritual discipline for Lent, I suggest we ask ourselves:

“Will this make me more loving?”

In Christ’s love,

—Dcn Anne