Dcn Anne Strong

Genesis 8:6-22; Hebrews 4:14-5:6

My dear brothers and sisters,

The story of Genesis calls us to a magical experience: the feeling of awe and wonder at creation. Another emotion with which I am filled is amazement—at the faithfulness of the people who are called to be intercessors for God’s mission. The Christmas story, the story of Jonah and what we read about today…the flood and Noah’s obedient response are stories which depict this faithfulness.

My feelings stem from not only God’s omnipotence, but how God handles it; what God does with this power.

The saying “power corrupts” and examples of it, are seen often today. So much so that it is not front page news all the time AND how quickly we forget such common occurrences. People who possess power have a choice: to serve or to harm. Just how do we want to use our power and privilege? A measurement being: those who are touched by this power—are they freer, healthier, and more likely to become servants OR are they oppressed, stigmatized, and able only to serve themselves?

Free will (our gift) offers us an exciting challenge. How do WE want to use our power and privilege??

“The greatest sin of a man is to forget that he is a prince…he has royal power. All worlds are in need of exhaltation and everyone of us is charged to lift up what is low, to unite what lies apart, to advance what is left behind. It is as if all worlds are full of expectancy, of sacred goals to be reached, so that consummation can come to pass. And man is called upon to bring about the climax slowly, but decisively.” —Abraham Joshua Heschel

How are you prepared to utilize your gift of authority? What about the Church, Christ’s body? Do we as individuals and appendages of Christ stand in solidarity with the weaknesses and trials of others? Do our actions spring forth from love? What about our words? Who or what are we serving?

Let us be devotees of God’s presence; cast all else aside.

Your Sister in Christ,
—Dcn Anne+