Dcn Anne Strong

My dear Sisters and Brothers,

Advent is a Christian season preparing mind, body and spirit for the mystical event…God crossing the boundary between heaven and earth.That first Christmas morning, God proved the impossible was possible. God made sure we were divinely attended. “I came so you would have life in full.” God’s aim, I believe, is to heal us so we participate in our wildly sacred world.

The heart clutch is the timing; we cannot snap our fingers and muscle our destinies. How we wait upon God for healing is a challenge of our faith. I find the spiritual discipline of waiting for God to move in my life both excruciating and exciting.

Deep learning about ourselves and God happens in waiting; I struggle, especially in the face of much anger and hurt here on earth. I have felt anger at God for not healing a broken heart faster, or revealing redemption in a story much deserved. Just when I am in a pit of despair, waiting for a person to be saved, reconciliation or myself  resurrected, “Christmas” comes. Sometimes the revelation of love is subtle—just enough for me to continue to place one foot in front of another. Other times the sky is ablaze with stars and resurrection. My whole body feels humble and awe; once again God makes that mystical leap from Heaven to my human heart.

What can we do while we wait?? I look for nudges, believing that God wants my participation in my redemption, pursuing goodness and joy to balance the sorrow in my heart. I stop dragging my feet and forgive. Prayer is a balm for my anxiousness. There is NO greater honor than journeying with another while God restores. I clear the cobwebs to give God room to work, incarnating what I refer to as “an advent posture”…hope.

Hope has taken on a new meaning for me this year. I have had to live my day to day life with gritty hope, perseverance, trust, endless prayer, surrender, and determined resilience. The wait is always worth it. In the Christmas story ALL were willing to say “YES” to God, future unknown. Dare WE? At this very moment God is working to do something new, redemptive and beautiful in our lives. HOLD ON!! Christmas is coming.

In Christ with love,

—Dcn Anne+