Dcn Anne Strong

My dear Sisters and Brothers,

Those of us who are believers revere Jesus as the Son of God. Skeptics revere Jesus as a legend. Artists portray Jesus in images that reflect their own culture, time and place. In today’s Gospel, Matthew portrays Jesus with a “face that shone like the sun and clothes which became dazzling white.”

One year ago I was a pilgrim in Jerusalem, seeking Jesus through many different endeavors. I viewed what archaeologists have uncovered. I stood in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre surrounded by restored Edicule—a shrine which our Christian tradition believes was built over the burial place of Jesus Christ.

I viewed Christians baptized in the Jordan river; the same rite and river Jesus partook in 2000 years ago. I marveled at the thought of our faith which began as a tiny sect and is now the largest and most diverse religion. My thoughts centered on archaeology as I walked in the footsteps of Jesus, my sacred imagination on fire.

One of the epiphanies I returned home with is this: scholars search for the historical, non supernatural, Jesus ( i.e. transfiguration is an example) is and will be endless. For myself, however, and many of my fellow pilgrims, our faith in the life, death, resurrection and yes transfiguration of the Son of God is evidence enough.

May we ALL portray Jesus by His love,

—Dcn Anne+