Dcn Brigid Waszczak

I have said these things… that my joy may be in you and your joy…  be complete. John 15:11

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It’s surprising to learn that the season of Lent is meant to be joyful. The joy of Christmas, yes, but the joy of Lent? 

The emotion of joy seems a bit out of place during such a somber season. Aren’t we meant to take on small sacrifices to align ourselves with the huge sacrifice of his life that Jesus took on for us? Giving up things we love imposes a burden us. Adopting intentional acts for Lent demands we adjust our lives for the season. Where’s the joy in that?

Daily living concerns can occasionally overwhelm me. Much as I try, I can’t avoid getting swallowed up by commitments—work, family, friends, church, organizations. Lent invites me to pause, notice where life is out of balance, and reconsider my spiritual commitment by taking on Lenten practices that require me to reorient my attention. Lent can help me find balance and regain my joy of living.

By trying to follow Jesus' example, who sacrificed comfort, wealth, housing, and more—greater than what I will sacrifice for Lent—I am invited to find joy in ministering to others and living simply.

May we all experience the joy of Lent.

—Dcn Brigid