Dcn Anne Strong

John 6:1-15

Sisters and Brothers:

The Gospels portray Jesus as more powerful than anyone in Rome. In Acts, Peter preaches about Him “a man attested to you by God with deeds of power, wonders and signs that God did through Him.” Would people have left their homes and families to follow Jesus if he was just a “sower?”

Belief in miracles is a matter of faith, some seeing these occurrences as medicine, magic or an optical illusion. Interestingly… some distinctions are gendered; for generations if a woman healed a person with herbs, it was called witchcraft, but if a man with a medical degree used the same herbs, healed a person, it was called medicine.

If our sense of Jesus is that of a great miracle worker, perhaps we have missed the point of the entire New Testament?? The faithfulness of Jesus going to the cross and of God resurrecting Jesus, emphasizes human suffering and the need to address it, is finally recognized.

John’s gospel about the massive banquet is illustrative of hospitality, scarcity and Christology…addressing our body, mind and spirit. How do you digest these stories? This is an integral decision one makes about our Messiah. Asking yourselves these questions may help…how do your beliefs change you life? Does it compel you to certain actions? Are you rooted in your beliefs?

"I do believe, help my unbelief" (Mark 9:24)

Your Deacon,
