Dcn Anne Strong

Hello my sisters and brothers in Christ:

The vision of “what can be” is something I long for! Can I be nostalgic for what can be and not what was? These days diversity—in nation, tribe, people, and languages—is what keeps us apart. Our world appears broken: devastations; hurricanes; mass shootings; droughts; and families torn apart due to differing ideas and/or achievements.

Did you know that in Western Ukraine an Agape House has been created? Its mission is to support people with physical and developmental disabilities. People assist those in need due to disability to obtain transportation to cross the border to safety. In all situations, it should come as no surprise that, as awful as it is for the typical citizen, this difficulty is compounded for people with disabilities.

Today’s Gospel, Mark 2:1-22, illustrates bearing one another’s burdens:
“So many gathered around that there was no longer room for them; not even in front of the door; as He was speaking the word to them. Then some people came, bringing to Him a paralyzed man, who was carried by four of them.And when they could not bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, they removed the roof above Him…”

We don’t know who the bed bearers were HOWEVER. “You will know them by their fruits" jumped into my mind. Nothing was going to stop the people from their goal of connecting with Jesus . There were no barriers which could prevent them {not even a roof}. They were determined to get proper care for a man who could not get it for himself! “Bear one another’s burdens and you will fulfill the Law of Christ."

This unity in diversity is what I am seeking. It only seems right that we can and should work to understand people as they are, and not as we want them to be. I long for this. Right now diversity is a barrier and this hurts my soul.

I came across these words in my vast note taking. Possibly a poem or a song?
“One day Jesus will call my name
As days go by, I hope that I don’t stay the same
I wanna get so close to Him that its no big change
On the day that Jesus comes to call my name.”

The line ”I wanna get so close to Him that it’s no big change” touches me. I love this and wonder if it is possible… I strive to behave in a way here and now that, through the cross, living “barrier-free” is possible.

Am I living today as a follower of my intentions? I yearn for the day when all of us, in all of our differences— whether they are in language, political leanings, culture ability or disability, whatever—can and will live in unity! I commit to working to remove barriers wherever I go. How about you?

With Christ’s love,

—Deacon Anne