Fr Robert Hendrickson

Dear Friends in Christ,

For the last two days, the Diocese of Arizona has met for its annual Diocesan Convention. At convention, various matters are considered. From electing delegates to our national General Convention to approving a budget to various resolutions, there is a bit of a blizzard of stuff to consider. For an introvert, it can be a bit overwhelming as there are multiple representatives from each congregation. For example, if our full complement of staff clergy, affiliate priests, deacons, lay representatives, and the senior warden all attended, Saint Philip’s would have 28 in attendance all on our own!

I don’t often speak at convention as there are plenty of people eager to get to the microphone to speak to the issues about which they are passionate. I did speak yesterday though. The resolution in question allows our deacons to receive a stipend enabling them to have access to the full range of programs that the Church Pension Group offers. It will result in a small additional cost for us per year and, with five deacons, we are the congregation in the diocese most impacted by the change.

We are also, thanks be to God, the congregation most impacted by the ministry of our incredible deacons. Maybe you’ve joined Leah for the social justice advocacy she so ably leads on our behalf. Perhaps you’ve had a chance to talk with Anne and hear her passion for those at the margins and those too often ignored by the Church. Maybe you’ve gone to Laundry Love with Tom or been on the receiving end of the huge amount of pastoral care he offers. Or maybe you’ve joined Susan at Bible Study and heard her erudite, faithful vision for the Church. Or maybe you’re lucky enough to have your children in Ruthie’s classroom, like I am, and know how much she loves our kids and how much they love her.

The deacon’s first role in a parish is to read the Gospel on Sundays. But it is by their life and ministry that you see the Gospel translated. It is in their work that you see love written in bold, bright ways. I hope you’ll thank our deacons for all they do and be grateful we will have a new way to equip and enable the ministry of these amazing leaders.

Yours in Christ,

Fr Robert