Shirin McArthur

Dear Siblings in Christ,

A spiritual director colleague recently shared a Rumi poem on her Silentium post and one stanza really resonated for me:

I seem restless, but I am deeply at ease.
Branches tremble; the roots are still.

My life is quite full at the moment, and these words really reflect the state of my being. While there is a lot going on (including putting the finishing editorial touches to this year’s edition of the Homilists for the Homeless series), I’m grateful to recognize how well-rooted I remain in the midst of all that is unfolding.

Even my morning walks reflect this paradox. The weather has shifted—we’ve even already had a few days of near-freezing weather here in Southern Arizona! Gone are the days of 80+ degrees at 5 am. Instead, I bundle up and shiver as I stride through chilly breezes. Yet I recognize that I remain rooted even in my movement. I’m grounded in this desert climate (I’ve now lived in this house longer than I have any place in my adult life!) and growing accustomed to its rhythms and cycles.

I’m also grounded in my work as a solopreneur after more than ten years. My editing, writing, spiritual guidance, retreat leadership, coaching, and related activities keep my branches in a state of constant movement, but it feels more like a well-choreographed dance than a frantic scramble.

I also know the importance of shifting my attention from movement to stillness. I need to remain rooted in God and guided by Spirit. That way I’m strong enough for moments when the shifting winds bring me more than I feel I can handle. Those days happen, but my anchored roots allow branches to tremble without endangering my deeper sense of balance.

As I noted a few weeks ago, we are entering a season of social busyness. I invite you to spend some time intentionally preparing for a season with lots of movement by checking in with your roots. Are they well-watered? Are they in need of nourishment? How could you prepare your soul to embrace a season of movement while remaining well-rooted?


Shirin McArthur

A version of this message first appeared on my blog on November 14, 2022.