Jeanette Renouf

My Dear Friends,

Today’s Gospel lesson from Luke is about Jesus leaving the 99 sheep to go find the one that is lost.  I wonder what happens to the other 99 while Jesus is looking for the lost one. I doubt that they would just stand there waiting for him to return. Having watched sheep in Scotland, if they don’t have a sheep dog keeping them together they tend to wander off and perhaps get into mischief or get lost as well.

Maybe we have been like lost sheep these past few years of pandemic and election nastiness. We seem to have forgotten our shepherd and his call to love one another. I am glad the election is over but know that it won’t be long before we are again hearing diatribes and hateful messages as we gear up for the 2024 election. Between untimely deaths from Covid 19 and families and friends divided by political differences we have lost a number of sheep. Does Jesus call us to find them and lovingly lead them back? To recall those who have died and are now with us in memory. To lovingly reach out to those whose political views differ from ours and know that God loves them too and wants us to respect and love one another as he loves us.

Forgiveness, gratitude, love are not easy to achieve in trying situations. We pray that Jesus comes to find the lost sheep among us and lead us to restore our loving community.

Peace and Love

—Jeanette Renouf