Jeanette Renouf

My Dear Friends,

The Psalm appointed for today is one of my favorites, 114. It largely praises God for all the wonders and beauties of creation. Appropriate for this week when we honor St Francis of Assisi and a day when out pets receive a blessing at St Philip’s. Verse 26 is written: ”Here is the great immeasurable sea, in which move creatures beyond number. Here ships sail to and fro, here is Leviathan whom thou hast made thy plaything.”

I love the idea of the Creator making a plaything. I have often looked at giraffes in much the same way; they  must have been created by someone who was just looking to have fun. It delights me to believe in such a Creator. When I look at the variety of colors, shapes, and sizes in creation it looks like an artist having great fun. A creator who delights in creating and seems to know no bounds.

We, too, are a part of that creation, created in the image and likeness of God. We too are given the gift of creation to use in our world. We are told that when God finished creating, though clearly God is not finished, what was created was declared good. Humans were given the responsibility of caring for this “good “ creation. Clearly, we have not done a very good job.

How do we live responsibly and do as God asked, take care of creation? This is a challenge to each of us and we will respond as we are able and led by the Spirit. I pray we might use our creative gifts to come up with new solutions to repair the damage we have done, do a better job of taking care of this wonderful, loving gift and to find joy in again assuming this responsibility.

Peace, Love and Wonder

—Jeanette Renouf