Dcn Leah Sandwell-Weiss

Dear Friends,

I wrote this piece not knowing the results of the election nor how smoothly (or not) things have gone. But I hope these words can help us center ourselves in God’s love through this difficult time.

Today’s reading from James contains the famous verse that Martin Luther despised:  “So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.” James 1:23 – 24 describes a person who hears the words of God, but doesn’t act as “like those who look at themselves in a mirror; for they look at themselves and, on going away, immediately forget what they were like.” Just hearing, and not following up with action, is like not really knowing what you look like. You don’t really know yourself or what you believe. It’s a superficial glance in the mirror.

We need to discern what we need to do to follow God’s word, but that can be hard. A friend sent me a piece last week that is helping me. Written by the Rev’d Canon Anna E. Rossi, Canon Precentor and Director of Interfaith Engagement, Grace Cathedral, this piece brought my attention to a section from the book of Wisdom that I hadn’t read before.

A Song in Praise of Wisdom (Wisdom 7:26—8:1)

Wisdom is a reflection of eternal light, *
a flawless mirror of God’s activity,
an image of divine goodness.
Though Wisdom is only one, *
she can accomplish everything;
remaining self-contained, *
she transforms all around her.
In every generation *
Wisdom enlightens holy souls,
making them friends of God, *
making them prophets.
For God loves nothing so much *
as the person who lives with Wisdom.
She is more radiant than the sun, *
and outshines every constellation.
She excels daylight by far, for day is eclipsed by night; *
but evil does not overshadow Wisdom.
She spans the earth from pole to pole *
and orders all things well.

Our call is to be transformed by Holy Wisdom, and become friends of God, part of the presence that orders all things well in and for the life of the world. It is entirely reasonable to be afraid of the forces that erode the life of the earth and her creatures. But we are invited to seek the Wisdom that those forces cannot overshadow, and not only seek Wisdom, but mirror her in our daily lives and choices. She can accomplish anything and transform all around her, and not fantastically, but through people of good will.

By our faith in the face of evil and fear, by our careful consideration of the issues, by the guidance of Holy Wisdom, may we be agents of light in darkness, order in chaos, and friendship in enmity.

I’m going to meditate on these verses so that I can be part of the ordering of all things well. May you find this helpful as well.

—Dcn Leah