Mtr Mary Trainor

Love, love changes everything…*

Dear friend,

Many, if not all, of us have witnessed what love can do for a human being: A strong man brought nearly to his knees at first sight of his child; a wide-eyed youngster enthralled by her first puppy; an old couple, wearied by daily routine, re-enlivened by an unexpected knock on the door signaling someone has come to see them.

We have likely all seen these people, still inhabiting their same bodies, but now somehow different, brighter, stronger, younger, happier. All because of love.

Love brings us to the fullest form of life we can know. Or, in the much-quoted words of St. Irenaeus: “The glory of God is the human person fully alive.” That’s what love enables.

Hands and faces, earth and sky…

Today, the Church celebrates the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Office Gospel** tells us Jesus is on a mountaintop, where he has taken Peter, James, and John. “And while he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white.”

He did not transform into another being, but remained recognizable. Recognizable, only more brilliant, more exquisite.

Love, love changes everything…

I hope everyone has known the effect of love in their lives, love that brings a spring to the step, hope for the journey, dreams of better tomorrows.

I hope everyone knows the effects of God’s love in their lives. It changes everything…

How you live, and how you die.

Mtr Mary

* “Love changes everything,” lyrics by Charles Hart and Don Black. From Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Aspects of Love.

**Luke 9:28-36