Dcn Anne Strong

Then he said to them, “ I am deeply grieved, even to death; remain here and stay awake with me.” And going a little farther, he threw himself on the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet not what I want but what you want.” (Matthew 26: 38-39)

My Sisters and Brothers:

At my prayer group this morning I shared something about myself…my anxiety. Then I turned to this reading and was comforted to see that Jesus, too, suffered from this distress and he almost feels this emotion would kill him. We both turn to prayer in need. This quote always comes to my mind:

“Paradise is at your own center” and…

In desperation I pray;
Beloved, I am your sacred pilgrim on the road of life, bearing a faith that is flickering, dim.
I feel tested not knowing what will happen next
There are moments when I am dancing, full of bliss
Other times I feel as I am walking in circles, or frozen in place.
This is when I become angry with you, my beloved, I question you
Why all the loss, the pain, the uncertainty ???
My spirit feels choked
I know that true faith is having the courage to walk whatever path is set before me and practice patience when the things of this world make little sense and are cruel and unfair
I am told that faith is a day to day journey which I must muscle through
You promise that I will reach the other side
Faith is the heart’s certainty which I seek…help me when I feel alone and afraid
I need you to hover


—Deacon Anne