Dcn Anne Strong

“What must I do to have eternal life?”
“Let the little children come to me…”
“If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give the money to the poor….”
“follow me” —
Matthew 19: 13 - 22

My dear Sisters and Brothers,

Long before the technique of airbrushing was discovered, and prior to the media focusing upon the external, there were many who longed for perfection. There are several words in the Bible for this term which we translate as “perfect.”

In our culture, perfect is understood as flawless. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word “tamin” meant without blemish, with moral integrity—a right relationship with God.

In the New Testament, the Hebrew word “telios” translates to lacking nothing, having the right attitude in pursuit of God, and living the life taught and modeled by God. It is evident that seeking perfection has a clear presence across scripture.

These verses and the message they communicate provide root for one of my personal beliefs concerning biblical discipleship and evangelism. “Follow me.” The good news is not simply reciting a magic phrase from scripture. Rather, it is two words: “follow me.” Jesus is offering an apprenticeship in “the way”—his way.

In our own spiritual journeys some of us have substituted (with good intent) elitist programs and/or positions which afford us authority. I recall one of my mentor’s response to this choice …”au contraire” which she shared emphatically. One must “read and heed.”

In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis’ answer, when asked about faith and eternal life was, “What is that to thee? Follow me.”

My heart jumped when I learned that our diocese has adopted a new mission statement: “Follow Jesus. Grow in faith. Walk in love.”

Faithfully with love,

Deacon Anne