Mtr Taylor Devine

Dear Friends,

This year I have been collecting Advent home practices to share. At the risk of overwhelming one with options, I wanted to share a few here and on Sunday, the first Sunday of Advent, in La Paz. In my family, we are in a season of new practices. What do we want our daughter to grow up remembering? I know it will change as she grows older, but what are the patterns that help us grown-ups enter the season so that she might catch the joy, reflection, and longing of the season? If you are renewing or refreshing your Advent practices at home - consider some of these!

Here are some ideas - I would love to hear if any of them help you in your spiritual journey this Advent!

Advent Devotional from Kate Bowler, PhD

Sacred Ordinary Days has a really nice Advent playlist on Spotify

A creative option: AdventWord. In the purple graphic below you will find this year’s prompts. It is great fun to watch this Advent Calendar populate from around the world through hashtags and facebook posts.

This Sunday after the 7:45 and 9:00am services there will be stations set up in La Paz where you can pick up materials to make your own Advent Wreath, decorate your own Jesse Tree ornaments, and we’ll have packets of info with ideas about how to celebrate Saint Nicholas Day (December 6) and Saint Lucia Day (December 13), and a few other handouts. Please visit and share your practices, as well!

In Christ,

Mtr Taylor

At the risk of overwhelming us all with Advent Resources, this is so lovely! I’ve ordered the book that correlates and can’t yet vouch for it, but it seems great for youth and adults, families or small groups.