Fr Ben Garren

Seven Kinds of Love for God

True love of God has seven approaches.
Cheerful love leads the way.
Fearing love takes on the task.
Strong love can accomplish much.
Loving love receives no honor.
Wise love has knowledge. 
Free love lives without hearthache.
Powerful love is forever happy.

—Mechthild of Magdeburg

Dear Siblings in Christ,

On the feast of Saint Mechthild of Magdeburg it is best we let her words guide our meditation.

If we can lead with cheerfulness as our joy in life then Christ can be welcome for all we meet—and fuel our own sense of hope.

We set to the task with determination and proper fear of what will occur if love is not brought into the world around us. We work to foster love within ourselves so that our capacity to love is strong, not letting our ability to love atrophy within us.

We are not entering into the work before us seeking great honor or accolades, but loving for the sake of loving itself. We love in a way that seeks knowledge. It is not just about our intentions but bringing about mutual loving relationships between ourselves and others where wisdom grows.

We love from a foundation of love we have fostered within ourselves so that it is not a quid pro quo that may end in heartache but a giving of love that is freely given to the world with no hope of getting something in return. We love with such power that our happiness comes from being a conduit of God’s love in the world. 

This is not a way of love that we can take up easily. It can’t be gained in the midst of one revival or one retreat. It is a spiritual discipline we have to choose to enter every day.

This day begin with whatever line of Mechthild’s verse impacts you the most. It may be the one that upsets you greatly or affirms you greatly. Ask what about love do you need to meditate on today? And then never have a day where part of your prayer is not a meditation on the Way of Love.

