Fr Ben Garren

Dear Siblings in Christ,

Jesus could walk away. As we approach Good Friday and our concerns about what it means for Jesus to be placed on the cross, what the Gospels make clear is that Jesus knew what was coming and had the opportunity to walk away. As we pause and consider the reality of the crucifixion it is important that we keep this in consideration. When we look up at the cross we must remember that Jesus made the decision to be there.

This is understandable on a human level. Throughout his ministry Jesus is escalating the situation, bringing more attention to himself, upsetting the religious and secular authorities in a variety of ways. It is quite possible, even today, for people to make quite a name for themselves and then simply walk away from whatever celebrity status they have achieved. Individuals who just choose a simple life. As the threats of illegal violence, the attempts on his life, the orchestrations of those who had access to legal deadly violence increased… Jesus chose to keep repeating the same actions that enraged those desiring his death.

On a divine level, the temptations presented to Jesus in the desert, show how all of this could be thwarted. Jesus can wander into the wilderness and make bread from stones. Jesus can jump from any precipice, face any mortal danger, and be saved by angels. Jesus could choose at any moment to simply become the ruler of the world. He has the capacity to abandon the incarnation and not participate in death, even death upon a cross.

What occurs, instead, is Jesus walking consistently towards the cross. Jesus is aware of what is ahead and chooses to stay the course. Jesus makes the choice to participate in the redemption of the world amidst the crucifixion. He understood that the reason he came into the world is that very hour. Whatever concept of the atonement we take up when we look at the cross the one thing we cannot ignore is that Jesus wanted to participate in that event for the love of each of us… and had the capacity to walk away. Jesus chose not to walk away.

