John Koza

Dear Friends in Christ,

During the past week, I have been surprised numerous times by the impatience and the lack of decent civility in others.

The first was when I was driving. I turned on my left turn signal and moved over a lane as I had an upcoming left turn. I was greeted by a guy yelling at me as he changed lanes from behind me and pulled up next to me. YELLING!  I could not hear exactly what he was saying, but I was quite surprised as I didn’t think I had done anything offensive.  

Additional observations have been on the internet. I have read several conversations on Facebook and elsewhere where people who don’t even know each other are bickering at one another, heatedly(!) over minutia.  

I am a big believer in the power of prayer. I have been and will continue to be in prayer for all those who are troubled, discontent, overly stressed, burdened, addicted, etc. Please join me today in a prayer for all those who are so in need.

Our Father, 
Who art above us and is always surrounding us and others,
Holy is your name.
Your kingdom shall come,
Your will shall be done,
Here on earth and in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread (and patience).
Forgive us when we are short of patience, 
And let us forgive those who are impatient with us.
Lead us not into impatience, 
And deliver us from evil.
For yours is the kingdom, 
And the power, and the glory, 
For ever and ever. Amen.

Yours in Christ,
