Shirin McArthur

Dear Siblings in Christ,

One summer, I had a conversation with my parents about “going to seed.” I no longer remember the substance of the conversation (perhaps because my brain is going to seed?!), but what has stuck with me is the contrast between two perspectives on this common idiom in our culture.

Colloquially, going to seed is considered a bad thing. According to the Urban Free Dictionary, it means “to decline or fall apart; to become worn and shabby.” It tends to refer to people who have put their priority and attention on other things and ceased to take care of themselves or worry about their appearance.

Yet, in the gardening world, going to seed is the entire point of the process! Pretty green leaves and gorgeous blossoms are not the ultimate goal; they are tools to support going to seed. The point is to make sure there’s a next generation of plants, a continuation of the species. To put vital energy there, other parts of the plant don’t get as much support when their work is done. Leaves fade, and get brown around the edges, and eventually die off. Blossoms wilt and decay once their work to enhance pollination is done.

In this harvest season, I’m thinking about going to seed in light of our culture’s focus on youth and external beauty. I recognize that we have truly missed the mark when we presume that “going to seed” is detrimental. Once we choose a mate and beget children, we rightly turn our focus on growing those seeds of the future. It no longer matters so much how we look, once we have “caught” that mate—to get back to the biological reasons for why looks matter when we’re younger!

So…as we enter this harvest season, I think of the various ways I’ve gone to seed, even though I haven’t borne biological children. I’ve served as a stepparent. I’ve sown all sorts of seeds in a decade of blogging. There are the seeds I’ve sown through leading retreats, spiritual guidance, and other writings I’ve shared through various venues over the years. I also hope that someday there will be published books—when I have more time to devote to them! Meanwhile, there are also the literal fruits of my garden, which sustain me and my family and friends.

How are you going to seed in valuable ways? What seeds have you sown—biologically, spiritually, metaphorically, and more?


Shirin McArthur

A version of this message first appeared on my blog on October 4, 2021.