Mtr Mary Trainor

Just when I need Him, Jesus is near…*

Dear friend,

“When did you come here?”

There’s a lot of confusing movement in today’s Gospel passage from John. There is also a lot of activity that is powerful, interesting, challenging—each capable of inspiring reflection.

But I am intrigued most  by those in pursuit of Jesus. They seem almost puzzled to find him in Capernaum even though they had gone there in search of him.

“When did you come here?” they ask him. 

Just when I falter, just when I fear…

Perhaps I’m intrigued with them because I am guilty at times of the same flawed thinking.

I pray to Jesus for help, to be with me through some crisis—and then fail to recognize that he actually is there for me--maybe I even fail to give proper credit, so glad I am to have once again been saved from peril. Jesus, is that you? When did you come here?

Ready to help me, ready to cheer…

Not all Christians believe that God in Christ still interacts with the world, within individual lives, in real time. But I happen to believe something like that goes on, even while asking why God allows for so many horrible things to occur.

I can’t prove it, don’t wish to debate it, but deep inside I sense the presence of God that is real and current, almost palpable. And I believe.

Just when I need him  most.

Mtr Mary

*Just When I Need Him Most. William C. Poole. 1907.