Mtr Mary Trainor

Things my mother said

Dear friend,

It is more blessed to give than to receive…

Maybe your mother (or father) said this, too. In my case, I later wondered if it was a parental teaching moment, words to dampen signs of—what—latent greed?

With more years behind me now, I am more generous. Maybe she was trying to fend off uncomfortable questions as to why we couldn’t have certain things. From a parent who otherwise would have given us the moon, this makes more sense.

It is more blessed to give than to receive…

Anyway, these weren’t even her words. They belong to Jesus, quoted today by the Apostle Paul in the Book of Acts.

I doubt that Jesus was aiming his words at acquisitive youngsters in 1950s America. I think the words are about a different form of giving—giving from within, emptying ourselves for the benefit of others.

Doing for others is twice blessed. Of course the receiver is blessed. Not as obvious is the blessing bestowed on the giver. Two lives forever changed by a single gift.

It reminds me of an anonymous poem I memorized in childhood:

Are you almost disgusted with life, little man?  I’ll tell you a wonderful trick

That will bring you contentment, if anything can,
Do something for somebody, quick!

Are you awfully tired with play, little girl? Wearied, discouraged, and sick –
I’ll tell you the loveliest game in the world,
Do something for somebody, quick.

Mtr Mary