Mtr Mary Trainor

Then you've seen a picture of me without you…*

Dear friend,

My first love was a boy named Bobby. He, of course, knew nothing about it until the day my brother dared me to kiss him on the playground.

Always the sucker for a good dare, I ran and planted a kiss on Bobby’s left cheek. Apparently he did not share my feelings, as he grimaced and wiped at the kiss spot with his jacket sleeve. And that was just first grade.

Imagine a world where no music was playing; And think of a church with nobody praying…

I’m betting that anyone reading this knows something about falling in love. From the first grade-school crushes, to meeting Mr., or Miss, or Ms. Right, many know that falling in love changes how we see everything else.

We can fall in love with God, too. Today’s Office epistle selection hints at this. In Paul’s letter to followers in Ephesus, he hopes for them “to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”

Being filled with all the fullness of God. No room for anything else. Full to the brim with God. Filled with love. I believe being in love with God, well, is feeling so satisfied you can’t imagine needing anything else.

Can you picture Heaven with no angels singing, or a quiet Sunday morning with no church bells ringing…

Sometimes an idea is clearer if I look at its opposite.Today’s lyric offering takes that approach. As if the singer is saying, if you can’t see the effect of your love on me, look at me without you.

Then you've seen a picture of me without you …

Mtr Mary

*A Picture of Me (Without You). Written by George Richey, Norro Wilson. First recorded by George Jones, 1972. Listen here.