Mtr Mary Trainor

We are many, we are one,
and the work of Christ is done
when we learn to live in true community  …*

Dear friend,

My parents were married back in the day when it was frowned upon to wed someone not of your same religion. Yet that’s exactly what they did, forming a complicated Southern Baptist-Roman Catholic alliance.

My Baptist grandfather was convinced his daughter was headed straight for hell. My Catholic grandfather knew for certain his son was headed there, too.


Jesus is having a few disappointing moments with his disciples in today’s Daily Office Gospel from Luke. He admonishes them over the question about which one of them is the greatest. Then, in what I feel is an attempt to get back in his good graces, John says, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not follow with us.” Jesus is not impressed: “Do not stop him; for whoever is not against you is for you.”

… as the stars that fill the night,
as a flock of birds in flight,
as the cluster of the grapes upon the vine

Christians of all “makes and models” can easily forget that we’re serving the same God in Christ.

I heard from a young evangelical businessman the other day about his trying to rally mission efforts in downtown. Someone from another Christian expression rejected the idea because “you people do things different from us.” He shook his head in telling this story. “It shouldn’t be like that.” I agree.


My mother occasionally liked to poke the bear when it came to her father. Knowing his certainty that being Southern Baptist was the only road to heaven, during a drive she pointed to a new church in the neighborhood. “So, Daddy,” she said, “what do you think about the Lutherans?” She figured he would have something snarky to say, but she was about to get the surprise of her life. After a long pause he said, “Oh, I guess they’ll get you there.”

… as the branches of a tree,
as the waves upon the sea,
as the cluster of the grapes upon the vine  …

Mtr Mary

*Words and music © Colin Gibson 1998

Permission is given to reproduce this material, with acknowledgement, for non-commercial use in a congregational or similar setting. This song was written at the request of Margaret Hamilton,

incoming President of the Methodist Church of NZ, and widely used at the national Conference in November 1998.