Mtr Mary Trainor

This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased. Matthew 3:17

Dear friend,

Some people have never heard an affirming word from a parent. Hard for most of us to believe, but it’s true.

More of us have never heard enough affirmation—or is enough affirmation even a possibility?

Whether you consider God as father or mother, one thing is clear from today’s Gospel: God is an awesome parent.


The Daily Office readings have shifted. Last Saturday we were at the cross in Mark. Today, in Matthew, we are back to the beginning, to Jesus’ baptism.


My high school freshman girls’ PE class was pretty good at most of the sports. 

When spring arrived we were heavily into softball. Our final game approached, and we were contenders to take the class trophy. An added perq for us was that we got to invite our mothers.

Mine couldn’t come because she needed to stay and help with the family business. I begged and begged, but she was clear—and my father backed her up.


The big day came. Even though I knew she wasn’t coming. I still scanned the distance, hoping against hope.

We were in the final inning. I was at bat and, just before I moved into ready position, my eyes swept the parking lot again. And there she was, parking the truck, on her way over to the field.

The truth is, I don’t remember much after that. I was pointing and screaming,

“My mother’s here, my mother’s here.” The game no longer mattered. What “mattered” had just happened. My parent showed up and I felt super special.


I like to think that Jesus felt very pleased as he emerged from the baptismal waters and heard his parent’s affirming words.

Mtr Mary